Following last year's Razzie ceremony which had benefited from a serious glamour boost from the presence of actress Sandra Bullock, this year's Razzie ceremony was quite a dull affair. The organization that aims at lambasting bad movies seemed to surprisingly embrace some of the very things they have been fighting against - namely bad directing and bad comedy. The ceremony was marked by an uninspired music number opening, a parody of The King Speech, which seemed to drag for hours and countless fart jokes about the night's winner, The Last Airbender - how can you mock Rob Schneider when you put yourself at his level ??
As for the Razzie winners, while Sex & the City 2, The Last Airbender & Ashton Kutcher got well-deserved accolades, one can regret that the Twilight Saga got spared. Also surprising was the presence of Jessica Alba since her role and performance in Machete were obviously tongue-in-cheek.